
2024 Suzuki Concert at the Capitol 


When: Saturday, March 16th, 11:00 am - 3:30 p.m.
 Where: Rotunda building- Columbia Room and Main Foyer: 


416 Sid Snyder Ave SW, Olympia, WA 98504 


Schedule: 11:00. Arrive and find Columbia Room below Rotunda
 11:15 Rehearsal beginning with Twinkle for all instruments 1:00 Lunch (many restaurants within walking distance)
 1:45 Return to Columbia Room for tuning and line up upstairs 2:00 Concert 


Repertoire: Violins: Vivaldi g-minor 1st mvt. Book 5 Concerto for Two Violins Books 4 and 5 


Bach Bourree Book 3
 Minuet 3 (Book 1 and minor section from Book 3) Hunter’s Chorus Book 2 (With Violas and Celli) Gavotte by Gossec Book 1 


With Violas and Celli: Allegro in D, Go Tell Aunt Rhody in D, Twinkle Variation 1 and Theme in D major 


Celli Repertoire: Vivaldi Sonata in e minor mvts. 1 and 2, (Book 5) Allegro Moderato (Book 3), Minuet 2, French Folk Song and the Swan
Attire: White tops, black bottoms, black or dark non- slip shoes. Skirts must be with black tights or below knees 


Katrin St.Clair, Event Coordinator: mobile 206-498-5585 



Please go to the calendar of events via your student portal.- please contact me if you need your login information